Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sharing with Other Writers

I find that one of the biggest motivators in my writing life is interaction with fellow writers. I still recall how I felt after my very first attendance at a meeting of writers: ecstatic. I'd just met a group of total strangers who knew more about me, in many ways, than my parents, my [then] spouse, my kids, and my best friend.

They understood the voices I heard in my head--and didn't think I needed to be committed! I could ask, Wouldn't it be neat if a dead body came rolling down the hillside? and they'd agree. Emphatically. And not even once consider that they might need to be dialling 911 in the near future.

I recently corresponded with a fellow writer who shares one of my beliefs, a belief that I was hesitant to share even with other writers. He told me: I don't believe in writer's block. Well, I don't, either! And I'm SO glad that there's another person, another WRITER, who understands. I'll bet there are lots of other writers who understand. I should have realized that right from the beginning.

Which is what I'm saying, in a roundabout way. So I'll get to the point: SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS WITH FELLOW WRITERS. It doesn't matter if they're published or not. It doesn't matter what genre they write or prefer. What matters is that they're open to sharing with you, as well. So much of our writing lives is solitary and, you've gotta admit, a step outside of ordinary--whatever ordinary is.

I began hosting an Author Exchange Blog several months ago. I personally know only a few of the people I've interviewed; most I never met or spoke with until they were introduced to me for promotion purposes. My life has been enriched by my interactions with these people--people I'd never have met if I wasn't a writer. They live all over the world, they write all kinds of stuff--from erotica, to horror, to true crime, to mystery, to romance, to historical, to non-fiction.

If you're a writer--especially if you're pre-published--get out there and meet other writers. There's no other motivator or support-system more beneficial.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right, Linda. I'm a children's author and nothing is better for writers than...other writers!

    Love your blogs. I have a blog for writers at:

    and a blog for animal folks at:

    Hope to hear from you soon!
